We'd love to hear from you

Send us a quick message using the contact form, below. Let us know a convenient time to call you back. We look forward to hearing about your upcoming production. We can offer advice based on our 30 years’ experience, and can let you know how we can be of service. Alternatively, call one of our regional producers, listed below. 

Send a quick message


Orangefilms | Head Office
Helmut Hutter, Founder, Managing Director.
79 Boulevard Richard Lenoir,
75011, Paris, France
Tel: +33 607 381 490
Email: helmut@orangefilms.com
Orangefilms | France
Janna Bégué, Producer.

79 Boulevard Richard Lenoir,
75011, Paris, France
Tel: +33 (0) 698 921 444
Email: janna@orangefilms.com
Orangefilms | Monaco – French Riviera
Maud Hezard, Producer.
Les Orchidées,
16 Rue Révérend Père,
Louis Frolla,
98000 Monaco
Tel: +33(0)784240592
Email: maud@orangefilms.com

Orangefilms | Belgium
Charles Kinoo, Producer.
8 Rue de l’Est,
Tel: +32 (0) 484 781 862
Email: charles@orangefilms.com

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